Jessica & Matthew
Jessica & Matthew

Wedding Party

Caitlynne Dunleavy

Caitlynne Dunleavy

Maid of Honor

MOH and best friend of 28 years. I recently gave her a panini maker so let's be real, she owes me this. Together our sarcasm and wit knows no bounds! She prefers to be called Cait, but I refuse! She is also currently engaged and we both decided to name our rings after bougie bitches. We're together forever....Oh my God.
Katie Rivera

Katie Rivera


cousin and best friend I share with Darcy. Obviously we've known each other her whole life and we've basically been bratty opinionated sisters ever since. I got to see her marry her hubby in a tropical paradise so it's awesome she's gonna do the same for me. And also makes sure I don't overdo the highlighter this time. Hee hee!
Carolyn Wolfe

Carolyn Wolfe


been down since the jellies and the bobo's! Friend since 3rd grade. Carolyn is a GOOD time people. Period! She's hilarious and blunt and is kind enough to hit me with the spray tan from time to time. She enjoys brunches and day drinking just like myself. I can't wait to have a blast with you!
Darcy Gill

Darcy Gill


Cute new mama to Ms. Em! I was Darcy's bridesmaid and now she's gonna be mine! Darcy is always down for fun from concerts and drinks to DCC (that's deep couch city, people) She's supportive and sweet and always has my back. Hopefully on this trip she has it with some sunscreen!
Craikista Kennedy

Craikista Kennedy


My cheer bud and spirit animal!! Her name is Craikista, but if you're cool she'll let you call her Cricket. I love her to pieces and I can't express how good of a person she is. She'll check you or give you the shirt off her back, both with no hesitation. Get ready for some Pat-ron!
Justin Boyle

Justin Boyle


Brandon Bandemer

Brandon Bandemer


Steve "Scuba" LeBlanc


Drew "Commy" Comisky


Joe Alexander

Joe Alexander


Travis Kennedy
