| I never thought in a million years, that I would find true love, and in the strangest places!?! But here I am, and here we are {chuckle}. We met, like very few that we know, at work. Yes, we met at Pru. In 2015, when I was positioned against the end of the floor, I stood up and Marvin's charm and smile lit up my heart like the bluest of skies. I was smitten. And when he spoke, I knew "he was the one." I introduced myself, and he gave me his full government name. I sensed an accent and asked him where he was from, to which he was surprised that I picked up on his accent and then proceeded to say that he was Jamaican. We shared a few laughs and then we went back to our respective normal lives. However, we became more than colleagues. We became friends. We went out a few times, here and there, around the City. I took him to a hole-in-the-wall and we enjoyed the best seafood thrown on top of a bar counter, you could ever witness. We left there and discovered another hole-in-the-wall, a 1960's LA themed bar that had no sign of standards and could never imagine how the venue has a B+ rating. But we had FUN!! A Lot of Fun! We went our separate way that night and I thought to myself, "WOW!" Fast-forward, we went out again, and this time, we went to 'The Woodland' in BK. It was PERFECT!!! The food was delicious, the ambiance was chill, the people were nice, and in typical Marvin fashion, he made new friends. The DJ played 90s hip hop and reggae and the vibe just took us to an Amazing feeling. We left there and wound up getting some HUGE donuts across the street and chilled there a little while longer before, we parted ways - him going back to Jersey and me, going a few train stops away. I left him thinking, GOD; please bring this man into my life, as he is the "missing piece" to my puzzle of a life. And then, It HAPPENED! We furthered our friendship with routine coffee trips, lunches, and just more time spent with each other. He went away with his cousin Keri, [Hi Keri!!!!] to Spain and I asked him to bring me back something from his travels. He did!! And then I went with my cousin to Spain, and he asked me to bring him back something, which I did. We shared stories of our travels and continued on, being best of friends. For his birthday, I got him a Marvelous Marvin Haggler book, who is a native of Newark, New Jersey and felt that Marvin would love it, being that he discovered an appetite for reading on his relaxed vacation in JA, late December 2017 - beginning of January 2018, and because he is the “Unofficial Mayor of Newark” [Ask his colleagues if you don’t believe me]. Fast-forward to my birthday, he took me out to lunch and asked if he could take me out to dinner later in the week. I said "yes!" He took me to 'The Chart House' in Weehawken, NJ. My goodness!!! The View - The Food - The Ambiance - The conversation - The Man!! SPARKS!!! JUST PURE SPARKS!!!! We professed our feelings for each other and then LOVE took flight. Figuratively and Literally! We traveled to the Dominican Republic and discovered our mutual love and appreciation for swimming and need for empanadas. Then, he took me to the country back woods of Pennsylvania, where we lit Chinese lanterns in the night sky with thousands of other lovebirds. Then we took flight in an Air Balloon [Ask him to tell the story of how I got him into this adventure. Haha.]. Then we traveled to Kingston, JA with the family. I could eat cornmeal porridge allllll day! And the Ackee and saltfish is to die for!! Sorry, I digress. We then went to Montego Bay, where we had dinner on the water people. Dinner pan di wata!!!! A M A Z I N G!!! And then, Marvin had a question. It was Thanksgiving, 2018. We were having dinner at my mother's house in Brooklyn. I asked Marvin if he was going to come with me, early, to which he declined as he said he had school work to complete [He is finishing his MBA with concentrations in Finance and Strategy - "Go Boo!!"]. I said ok, and that I will see you later. He showed up around 5:30/5:45 PM and he met some of my family that flew in from far. He seemed fine and didn’t give way to what was about to occur. We all ate and after some family members left, we finally met up in the living room, where we would typically play the piano and sing all night long. We started late. It was probably 7:30/8:00, before my cousin Michael began to tickle the keys. I should have known something was up, as Marvin got up and requested Michael to pause on the playing, and then he started talking loud. I can honestly say, I don’t remember what he said, and neither can he. As he was walking from the piano back to his seat, I turned around and got back into my conversation. Then Marvin turns in front of me and got down on one knee. I gasped!! I forgot how to breathe! I forgot all my senses, except crying. I started balling before this wonderful man could ask his question. I mean, I was shocked and pleasantly surprised!!. I then heard something about 'waiting whole adult life and something about love and life.' And, well "I said Yes like a thousand times, but it never came out. At first, anyway. I said it in my head and then I finally got some of my senses together and then I said "Yes." I said "Yes" to this Man, who has brought me a world of laughter, of new adventures, of comfort, and ultimate LOVE. He says he is a lucky man to have me in his life, but I can tell you, I am the Lucky one. And now, this is what brings us here, and now. I get to wed my best friend in front of close family and friends..... #WhoDoesntLoveAPairOfJordans |