Michael & Caleb
Michael & Caleb

The answer is YES!

Michael Payne
Caleb Cook

October 8th 2024
Puerto Vallarta Mexico
155 Days Ago

On January 16, 2019, we met up for our very first date.  Immediately there was an instant attraction and infatuation.  We immediately grew quickly both as individuals and as a couple.  On March 9, 2023 engagement rings were exchanged and "YES" was the answer to the question!  


We love and adore our friends and family.  Therefore, it is important to us that the people closest to us be a part of our special event.  What could be better than an all inclusive luxury vacation with our loved ones to celebrate our formal commitment to each other?  We look forward to celebrating with each of you!


The ceremony will be on Tuesday, October 8, 2024 at Hyatt Ziva, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.    We plan to arrive to the resort on Saturday, October 5th and depart on Saturday, October 12, 2024.  Everyone is invited to be a part of our special week.  Please cater the dates to best accomodate your availabily and capabilities.  We want this to be your special vacation as well as our special celebration.