Taylor & Haley
Taylor & Haley


Taylor Dively
Haley Kreger

December 28th 2026
655 Days
17 Hours
58 Minutes

Our story began online, in typical millenial fashion. Conversation was easy through text, and even easier in person when we scheduled our first date. What should of been a quick 2hr date quickly turned into a 5hr evening of conversation. Date after date piled up within just a few weeks, and I'd argue that Haley knew she had me after convincing me to take pictures with her and Crouton, her cat, for Crouton's 1st birthday. Even after months of dating we couldn't stay away from each other longer then a few days at a time. It was evident to both of us that this was truly something special. We moved in together after just 7 months, spent our holidays together, adopted a cat, and enjoyed every minute with each other. Before we knew it, we were shopping for a house, adopting another cat, and planning our next great adventure. That adventure was something that I wanted to truly make special. I planned for 8 months leading up to our Sweden trip to pop The Question and hope that Haley had no idea it was coming. I'm lucky that she said yes, otherwise that would have been a hell of an experience for the flight home! Now we've planned and planned and planned to put together our dream wedding and we are so excited to share it with our family and friends!