Porshe’ & Lamar
Porshe’ & Lamar


Is there a dress code?

Yes! Beach casual wedding attire is preferred (i.e., for women- sundress, maxi dress, romper; for men - chinos, short-sleeved button-down or polo shirt, or for the old-school players- a linen suit). We hope our wedding will be a fun and comfortable occasion for everyone. Since you know we love to have a good time, we want our guests to dress comfortably and be ready to party after the wedding ceremony!


Any other special attire notes we should know?

The wedding will take place on the beach, weather permitting, so be sure to bring appropriate shoes. Temperatures tend to dip a bit at night, and since the cocktail hour and reception will be outside, you might want to bring a jacket or wrap.


Will there be dancing/entertainment?

Of course! You know we like party, so of course there will be a DJ and dancing! Be ready to Wobble with us and bring your best TikTok moves, too.