Laura & Chad
Laura & Chad

We're getting married...FINALLY!!

Chad Pharnichyakul
Laura De La Torre

January 25th 2025
Cancun Mexico
47 Days Ago

     Chad and Laura met 10 years ago at work and like most people, Laura instantly hated him. But over time, Chad was able to charm his way into getting her attention. Interestingly enough, Laura made the first move by asking Chad what he wanted from Starbucks knowing damn well he didn't drink coffee. From there, Chad asked her out and Laura refused to change her plans so, their first date was at the Claremont Loop, a five-mile hike at six in the morning (if it was up to Laura it would have been at 5am). Chad likes to claim he pushed Laura up that hiking trail but, we all know the truth. After a successful first date, several others followed. They officially became boyfriend and girlfriend on January 23, 2015.

     After eight short years of traveling, eating, and laughter, Chad finally proposed on January 21, 2023 on Lake Louise in Banff.

     On the weekend of their tenth anniversary, they will get to finalize their union in front of their loved ones on January 25, 2025.

They can't wait to see you all there for this long awaited moment!