Rosetta & Nigel
Rosetta & Nigel

Rosetta Smith
Nigel Peteet

June 23rd 2023
Montego Bay Jamaica
629 Days Ago

It was a sweet summer's August night in 2012 when Rosetta's and Nigel's love story was first authored. Two photos, two excited glances, and one instant mutual attraction.  Who could have known that a mutual friend's sharing of two pictures - one photo of Rosetta for Nigel and one photo of Nigel for Rosetta - would ignite a great and enduring love affair?  Well, it did and dating began and passion soon followed. Rosetta was immediately attracted to Nigel's wit, sense of humor and confidence, and Nigel was smitten by Rosetta's caring and nuturing demeanor and her transcendental beauty. 

The heart knows what the heart wants, and though they experienced a brief separation, Nigel's and Rosetta's absence from each other made their hearts grow fonder still.  So the heart got what the heart wanted when, after a year's separation, Nigel and Rosetta reconnected and absconded on a romantic escape to Jamaica. Nigel and Rosetta danced with love once again, and love led to a crisp and sunny Christmas morning when Nigel asked Rosetta to marry him and be his wife for life. 

Love's destiny is complete as Nigel, Rosetta, their four beautiful children and lots and lots of pets complete the circle of love and author a beautiful love story!